Tuesday, April 12, 2011


    Since this blog is a documentation of my adventures in motherhood it seems appropriate to start at the beginning. Obviously we'll skip over the conception part since we all know where babies come from. When we got pregnant it was definitely not a planned event. I had been on birth control pills since I was 17 years old. My husband and I started discussing having kids so I did some research and asked my doctor about how long it takes to conceive after stopping the pill. Every answer I received was that it would probably take several months to a year to conceive since I had been on the bill for a lengthy amount of time. As an afterthought my doctor advised that a "small percentage" of woman will be very fertile and become pregnant immediately after stopping the pill. Well I assumed it would take a while to get pregnant so I went ahead and stopped taking my birth control pills around the beginning of March 2010 because we wanted to start "trying" towards the end of the year. A couple of weeks into April I thought I had started my period but it was not a normal menstrual cycle for me. My best friend, who was very much wanting me to be pregnant, urged me to take a pregnancy test. I thought she was being a lunatic but nonetheless I hopped in the car and headed to the store for a test. I got home, did my business, and waited not so patiently for the answer. When I seen those little lines my jaw hit the floor. I could not believe it, merely 1 month after stopping my birth control pills I WAS PREGNANT! I proceeded to lay in my bathroom floor near hyperventilation at the thought that there was a little life growing inside me. I did what any rational woman would do...I called my big sister. She did not believe me at first but I assured her that I was indeed pregnant according the little piece of plastic sitting on my bathroom counter! I then went in to wake up my husband, who works night shift, that we were going to have a baby. In a sleepy haze he looked at me with the most proud face I have ever seen and I knew right then that our lives would never be the same. I made an appointment to see my doctor to have another pregnancy test done so it would really be "official" and sure enough, I was already 4 weeks. So, as it turns out I was in the "small percentage"....go figure. So instead of "trying" at the end of the year it looked like we would indeed be parents by the end of the year. God knew what we needed, even when we didn't know we needed it then. After losing my mother my heart had an enormous hole, my daughter has helped heal my broken heart more than I ever thought was possible.

      Are you a parent? Was your pregnancy planned or was it a surprise like ours?


  1. He, he, he! Another Fertile Myrtle. :) Before Gene and I got married, I went to the doctor for an exam to make sure I was healthy. We discussed if we were going to try for kids. The doctor informed me that because I had wrecked my body so badly from Anorexia/Bulimia, that *if* we ever got pregnant, it would take anywhere from a year to 5 years. We decided to go off birth control right after the honeymoon. And would you know it? 2 months after we were married, we found out we were pregnant and were already 4 weeks along.

    This last time, I was told I would never have kids again. After Parker was born, I had the depo provera shot and it destroyed my chances of getting pregnant again. (That's what they said.) The same month they told me that, Gene's doctor told him that he was "shooting blanks" and that our odds of conceiving a child were next to impossible. Ha, ha, ha! Surprise! Along comes Gage!

    After 6 kids, I've stopped listening to what the doctors say. ;)

  2. All I can say is LOL. Seriously though, it is all in God's hands. If he wants us to have children there is no amount of naysaying that can stop it. Supposedly my cervix is really high & tilted kinda weird (Sorry for the TMI!LOL) so the doctor & health department nurse said that would also make it difficult to conceive. Pshhhh. Right.
