I just want to brag on my church for a minute. I am a proud member of Revival Baptist Church in Blairsville Georgia. We are a KJV preachin', old fashioned, shoutin', spirit filled church. As Bro Mark Stroud said, we're not a Burger King church where you can "Get it Your Way", we are a Wendys church where it's "Old fashioned, hot & juicy"! :) I can't thank God enough for putting us in this amazing church around such amazing people. Almost every member of my church is a dear friend. People truly care for one another. Our church members lift one another up in prayer, daily. Our congregation has endured quite a lot through the past few years. There has been a lot of illnesses & deaths. My own mother passed away in July of 2009 after a brief but hard battle with lung cancer. There has been a sudden death of a very dear lady who was a huge part of our church. There was a young man who was involved in a motorcycle accident and the family had to make the choice to 'pull the plug' or not. Thank God they kept the faith because now although he is in a wheel chair most of the time he CAN walk again, he can talk again, and most importantly he can praise God with all his might. There is another sweet lady who was my neighbor for my entire life who has been battling cancer for years. Through this entire ordeal she has never let it take away her spirit or love for God. Seeing those two in church, raising their hand, worshiping God absolutely makes my heart overflow with love for my God. All the things that our church has been through has just brought us closer together and closer to Him. Through these battles many lives have been touched and even some have given their life to the Lord because of these hardships. He truly can do anything and still works miracles every single day if it is His will. I am so thankful for a merciful God who still saves the lost.
Like every strong family there is a strong woman at the core. The same goes with a church, in my opinion. Once a month we have a Ladies' Meeting. During these meetings we all bring a covered dish and have a nice meal. We fellowship with one another, laugh, cry, and get encouraged. More importantly we have faith based lessons. The ladies take turns 'teaching' a lesson. Some woman do just that, they teach straight from God's word. Some woman do little interactive games to get everyone involved and hands on. Some woman share their life experiences and give their testimony. No matter the method these meetings truly help me each and every time. I am so thankful to be a part of such a group of Godly woman. I love that I know I have all these strong and wonderful ladies behind me, praying for me, lifting me up. I do not know how people make it through this life without a strong church family backing them and even more importantly how people get through one single hour in the day without Jesus. I know I sure couldn't.
Are you blessed with an amazing church & church family? Do you know the peace & love of my Lord Jesus Christ?
I'll second absolutely everything you've said! It's so wonderful being in a church where when people say they're praying for you, you KNOW they really are. We have some amazing people in that church, and we are so blessed!